DIY Tissue Tassel Banner

Batman Tassel Banner

Seriously Y’all! I love these tassel banners. I made this one for my son’s Batman party and I’ve had it hanging up for a couple of weeks now because its just SO CUTE.
So here’s how you do it.
Tissue Paper 20″ x 26″, each piece of tissue paper makes 4 tassels!
Hot Glue/ Scotch Tape/ Washi Tape
Scissors/ Rotary Blade and Mat
Step 1: Get how many pieces of tissue paper you would like. Each sheet makes 4 tassels. I used 2 pieces of tissue in each color. I have cut up to 4 together at the same time. Believe me this quickens the process. Match the two sheets together so they match.
Step 2: Fold your paper. While keeping the hotdog styled fold at 10 ” height (usually how tissue paper comes in the bag), then fold it hamburger style twice. It should be 6 inches wide now now, as shown in the picture below.
Step 2:  Cut your tissue paper tassels every half inch. Stop two inches from the top. I have used a rotary blade and scissors in this step and I prefer the rotary blade. It looks WAY better, is way easier, and way faster. 

Step 3: Unfold the hamburger styled folds and cut through the tassels at every 6 inches. So you will have 4 separate 6 x 10 pieces now.
Step 4: If you have multiple sets of tissue, separate the sheets and start working with one piece at a time.
Step 5: Unfold the middle fold and lay flat. Will look like picture below.

 Step 6: Fold in half hot dog style once, then again. It will look like it does below.

Step 7: Start folding/rolling hotdog style every 1/4 inch until it is all folded.

Step 8: Fold hamburger style in the middle of the folds.

Step 9: Twist together below the loop.

Step 10: Hot glue at the bottom of twists

Step 11: Thread through string of choice.


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